USA Today Reports: By Carol Memmott, USA TODAY Brace yourself, Twilight fans. A new book from Stephenie Meyer is on the horizon. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella will be released at 12:01 a.m. 6月5日. 192页的故事, an offshoot of the third novel in Meyer’s best-selling teen vampire Twilight saga, 第一次印刷是1吗.500万年. It’s the first new Twilight title since Breaking Dawn, Book 4, was published two years ago. The new novella is told in the voice of the teenage Bree, a “newborn vampire” whom we meet on page 569 in Eclipse. 十页之后,阅读更多→

Entertainment Weekly’s Shelf Life has revealed the cover of the first book in Mortal Instruments’ author Cassandra Clare’s new trilogy, 发条的天使.  发条的天使 follows 16 year old Tessa Gray who travels to Victorian England to find her brother; but this is a London filled with vampires, warlocks and other paranormal creatures. The novel will be published on August 31, 2010.  EW’s Daniella Grossman interviews Clare’seditor, Simon & 舒斯特尔的凯伦·沃伊蒂拉, 关于封面, 的字符, and the saucy period drama that Clare has in store.  Read the Shelf Life article and interview here.阅读更多→

An attempt to address some of the industry complaints about the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act This Article Originally Appeared in Publisher’s Weekly: By Karen Raugust — Publishers Weekly, 3/18/2010 3:23:00 PM Steps are being taken in Congress that could resolve many of publishers’, 经销商的, and libraries’ concerns regarding the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. 3月12日, Representative Henry Waxman (D-California) released a draft amendment to the Act that addresses some of the complaints from a variety of industry groups. 出版商感兴趣, 书商和图书馆, the proposed amendment would give the Consumer Product Safety Commission more leeway in excluding products that pose阅读更多→

The 天空无处不在 is Jandy Nelson’s wonderfully sad (and at times hilariously funny) debut novel. 在这, 你遇到Lennie了吗?, a 17 year old girl who has lived her life in the shadow of her vivacious older sister Bailey. 然后有一天, 贝利意外死亡, and Lennie is forced to figure out who she is apart from her sister. As Lennie wades through her grief- life completely throws her for a loop when she falls for not one, 但是两个完全不同的人. One who connects with her grief over losing her sister (because he lost her sister too) and one who pulls her阅读更多→

Young adult lit comes of age Authors may gear their novels toward the junior and senior high crowd, but adults are snapping up the books, often about misfit teens or fantasy worlds. 作者:苏珊·卡朋特, 洛杉矶时报, 3月8日, 2010 It used to be that the only adults who read young adult literature were those who had a vested interest — teachers or librarians or parents who either needed or wanted to keep an eye on developing readers’ tastes.  But increasingly, adults are reading YA books with no ulterior motives. 被文笔优美的作品所吸引, fast-paced and engaging stories that span the gamut of genres and subjects,阅读更多→

Q & A和艾丽·卡特 By Sally Lodge — Publishers Weekly, 3/11/2010 4:28:00 PM In Ally Carter’s Heist Society, a crew of teenage thieves—led by Kat, youngest in a clan of accomplished heistmasters—gets down to the sticky business of retrieving valuable paintings stolen from an Italian mobster. Kat has strong incentive for recovering the masterpieces: to clear the name of her father, 盗窃案的主要嫌疑人, 并归还画作, plundered by the Nazis decades before, 回到他们应有的位置. 推出一个系列, this latest work by the author of I’d Tell You I Love You, 但那样我就得杀人了阅读更多→

I’ve wanted to read Rick Yancey’s new book, 的Monstrumologist, 自去年秋天首次推出以来, 但一直没抽出时间. 然后它被命名为Michael L. 普林斯奖得主, and I finally decided to make time to sit down with this intriguing looking book. And although it’s not quite what I expected, I am glad I did.  的Monstrumologistis the account of the spring of 1888 when Will Henry was a apprentice/assistant to the brilliant, 但也许是疯了, Dr. Warthrop, who studies and hunts real-life monsters.  The story is framed by Rick Yancey’s present day acquisition of the notebooks from a doctor who cared阅读更多→

Every 100 years humanity is tested and it’s up to 4 teenagers to pass the test and save the world: that’s the premise behind Italian author P. D. Baccalario’s adventure series out this spring from Random House.  今天是12月29日, 在罗马, and 12 year olds Harvey from New York, 来自巴黎的Mistral, and Sheng from Shanghai are to share a room with their hotel owner’s daughter, Elettra. The four kids discover an amazing coincidence—they all have birthdays on February 29 and that is just the beginning of the strange events that soon engulf them. Mysteriously, they seem to have caused a blackout 在罗马,阅读更多→