2011年5月在美国首次亮相, German YA best-seller 宝石红  is a perfect mix of mystery, supernatural fanasy and romantic adventure.  Gwen is a typical 16 year old girl living with her mom, siblings and her extended family in a posh London neighborhood.  她是个勇敢的人, skeptical teen who’s managed to live a fairly normal life despite the time-travelling gene that runs in the women of her family (although Gwen isn’t without some supernatural abilities of her own – she can see and converse with ghosts).  This generation’s carrier is her haughty cousin Charlotte, whose been through years of secret training to prepare her阅读更多→

Enter the 王牌r Book Report Contest for a chance to win a 21st Century Library Makeover from 王牌r! Program Details: Technology can help bring excitement and creativity to the traditional book report while still displaying students understanding of reading. This contest aims to marry traditional reading curriculum strategies with 21st Century skills in an attempt to make book reports and reading more interactive, fun and engaging for young learners. The 王牌r Video Book Report contest also provides an opportunity to educators to re-think the standard book report by producing videos that creatively illustrate the students’ comprehension of the book, along with teaching collaborative and critical阅读更多→

Master Storyteller Joseph Bruchac’s latest novel, 龙城堡, draws on the rich and magical legends of his Slovakian heritage as it explores themes of the hero’s journey, 寻找自我的旅程, and the courage to face one’s destiny.  15 year old Prince Rashko has lived his whole life in a peace secured by a distant ancestor, 勇敢的帕沃.  It’s a good thing that peaces abounds, 太, because his parents and older brother Paulek seem to be more interested in daydreaming, sword fighting and living a life of ease than in doing much of anything to secure the safety and long-term security of the realm.  但Rashko阅读更多→

It’s the summer before 6th grade and Zelly wants a dog. 实际上,比什么都重要.  But her parents have said no, repeatedly, to Zelly’s pleading, bargaining, and begging.  然后她喧闹起来, 古怪的爷爷, 王牌, comes up with a crazy scheme Zelly can use to convince her parents she’s ready for the responsibility of a dog: a “pretend dog” that just happens to be a used plastic orange juice jug.  但是,老实说, Zelly isn’t sure she wants to spend the rest of the summer hauling a plastic jug around on a leash for “drags” (since it can’t go on a walk without actual legs), 铲起阅读更多→

亚历克西斯·沃伦回来了.  现在, she and her parents have moved from their haunted Victorian-era house to a non-descript suburb and are trying to rebuild their lives after Kasey, 亚历克西斯的妹妹, was possessed by a murderous ghost and tried to kill them all in Katie Alender’s debut novel Bad Girls Don’t Die.  亚历克西斯现在有男朋友了, is settled into a comfortable group at school, and is ready for life to get back to a controlled, 可预测的正常.  But then Kasey is released from the psychiatric hospital and comes home, 当然, 很快地狱就爆发了. 这次是凯西和她的朋友们阅读更多→

Publisher’s Weekly (6/23/11) reports: On Friday Macy’s will launch a five-week campaign, 叫做聪明读书, to raise money for Reading Is Fundamental. Between June 24 and July 31 Macy’s customers who give $3 to help provide a book for a child through Macy’s will get $10 off a purchase of $50 or more. Macy’s will donate the entire $3 to RIF. “Be Book Smart comes at a time when RIF truly needs the support of every Macy’s customers,” says RIF president and CEO Carol Rasco.   As a further incentive, RIF will host a Be Book Smart sweepstakeson Facebook. 每周都会有一名获胜者阅读更多→

Sam Smith and Emily Bell come from two different worlds:  17 year old Sam has spent his life drifting from state to state with his paranoid schizophrenic father, 克莱伦斯, 他的自闭症, 患有哮喘的弟弟, 谜题.  他们生活在体制之外, 蹲在废弃的房子里, 捕食易受骗的人, and clearing out quick whenever the voices 克莱伦斯’s head tell him to run, 或者更糟, 法律来了.  漂亮的, shy Emily lives in a comfortable suburban home with her caring and well-meaning parents, her somewhat annoying little brother, 家里的狗.  But both Sam and Emily long for a deep connection to another person阅读更多→

Sometimes when I am picking out the next book I want to read, I go solely on the cover art. I don’t read the jacket flap or the blurb on the back or even the little summary on the back of the title page. I let the cover draw me in and then allow myself to be totally surprised (or not) by the story that unfolds with the book. Debut author Dawn Metcalf’s 发光的  was one of these books for me – I was completely seduced by the cover (I was feeling really girly that day, OK?) and it lead me to expect either a阅读更多→

A new film, based on a true story, opened in 2011年5月. For every view of this preview on YouTube, Capella University will donate $0.50 to the following organizations: Reading is Fundamental, 南苏丹研究所, 以及Kakenya卓越中心. 尽可能多看几遍, and share with family and friends – let’s get to 100,共00个视图!  (供款上限为50,000元)阅读更多→