Neal Bascomb, 《皇冠登录welcome》的作者, is back again with Sabotage: The Mission to Destroy Hitler’s Atomic Bomb. This gripping non-fiction novel is complete with science, 神秘, and suspense as it follows the true tale of Hitler’s plan to engage in total destruction. The novel begins in 1940, when Germany attacked Norway. Bascomb gives the reader a background and scientific knowledge about nuclear fission and surprisingly, 水的重要性. Readers will learn how complicated and specific the recipe was to create this bomb and the tactic mission involved.  具有讽刺意味的是, scientists were not planning on creating this destruction, 然而,他们的发现起到了帮助作用阅读更多→

马奎尔会招来厄运. Everywhere she goes, something horrific happens to the people around her. Her bad luck started when she was just eleven years old. 她和她父亲坐在车里, 叔叔, and older brother when her dad lost control of the vehicle and had a severe accident. Maguire was the only survivor of the car crash; in fact, she walked away from the accident with nothing more than a scratch. A year later, Maguire went to an amusement park with friends. 坐过山车的时候, there was a sudden crash and every passenger was seriously hurt, 除了阅读更多→

Kelsey has always been taught to view the world as dangerous. Her mother was the victim of a brutal kidnapping seventeen years ago. 当她终于逃出来的时候, 她发誓要待在家里抚养女儿, 她现在怀的是谁. 因为绑架她母亲的人一直没被抓到, Kelsey learned from a young age to protect her identity and to always be cautious when she left the house. 为了保护他们, Kelsey’s mother built their home into a protected fortress complete with iron bars, 视频安全, 还有防弹玻璃窗. 要进入这个家,凯尔西必须输入一个密码. 所有阅读更多→

Adriana Mather’s How to Hang a Witch is about a girl who moves to Salem, Massachusetts from New York City with her stepmother and dad. One of their reasons for moving was because they wanted to make sure that her dad continued to get the care that he needed in order to stay healthy until he wakes up from his coma. 当萨曼莎·马瑟搬到塞勒姆时, she realized because she is a descendant of Cotton Mather that her transition to Salem would not be that easy. After some research about her ancestors and the ancestors of the citizens she recognized some events that correlated阅读更多→

“What do you do when your favorite teacher starts turning into a were-hyena?” (1). That’s the question raised in 狼鬣狗的诅咒 by Bruce Hale, 《welcome皇冠地址》系列的第一部. Smart, silly, and intriguing, this middle-grade novel is an all-around fun time. “Forget about homework habits and curriculum goals – this is the kind of practical stuff they should cover in back-to-school orientation” (1). Carlos and Benny are your average fourth grade best friends, “只是普通, comics-nerd-type kids” with the best teacher in the whole school (61). Mr. Chu teaches in exciting and engaging ways and all of his students阅读更多→

When coping with emotional turmoil, our subconscious often takes us away as a kind of protection.  如果解离没有发生, we find other ways to deal with or to control deep psychological pain.  Because physical pain can cancel out emotional pain, some people resort to self-harm to feel a sense of control over an otherwise uncontrollable situation.  This external way to express inner turmoil distracts the sufferer from painful emotions or helps the person who self-injures to actually feel again. Inundated with impressions of horror and hiding those impressions until they are unbearable, 夏洛特•戴维斯, the seventeen-year-old protagonist in Kathleen Glasgow’s debut阅读更多→

王冠的游戏 is a story about a woman named Vika, who has to decide between honor or love. She has a duty to her country to win the Crown’s Game, 但她也想体验爱情和生活. 维卡遇到了帕夏和尼古拉, who will have a great impact on the decision that will affect the rest of her life. Vika will soon know the meaning of love through the encounters that she has with Nikolai and Pasha as the games continues. 王冠的游戏 reveals that magic can be found in all forms of the characters whether is performed or felt. As阅读更多→

Three-time Newbery Honor winner Jennifer Holm shares a historical fiction account in 充满豆子 about life during the Great Depression in Key West, 佛罗里达, 哪里有昵称的传统. Conchs, for example, were those who often ate conch chowder.  Ten-year-old Beans Curry is a Conch who mines the garbage bins for milk cans to recycle for coins so that he can watch his favorite Shirley Temple films or buy coconut ice cream since times are tough and money is scarce.  因为他是个“好孩子”,“然而, his money often purchases deworming medicine for his brother Kermit or hand cream for his mother,阅读更多→

With a recent surplus of fantasy novels for young adult readers, 很少有一个人是完全独一无二的. Catherine Egan’s 茱莉亚消失 manages to stand on its own, 既令人愉快又令人惊讶, 同时建造一个独一无二的, 魔法世界. The story focuses on Julia, currently serving as a housemaid for the wealthy Mrs. Och的家庭. Julia serves tea and cleans sheets, but in actuality, she’s really a spy. After her mother was killed in a government raid against witches, 茱莉亚和她哥哥被艾思梅收留了, 犯罪界的女主角. From Esme’s troop of criminals, Julia’s perfected the arts of thieving and阅读更多→