萨宾娜·汗新书的情节, 德西女孩想要什么, 围绕着Mehar Rabbani的生活展开, 住在牛顿市的混血女孩, 堪萨斯. Speaking her mind is Mehar’s brand, which doesn’t always work in her favor. 容易发牢骚, Mehar hates being reasonable—a trait that backfires on her when she makes a trip to India to reconnect with her family on her father’s side. Hoping to salvage her relationship with her father, Mehar is intent on apologizing to him and mending their fractured bond. She also wishes to reconnect with her judgy grandma while in India for her father’s wedding.阅读更多→

Although 艾莎·赛义德的《welcome皇冠地址》 is certainly a story about love, the plot runs much deeper to embrace other topics, 也. 移民等话题, 社会经济地位, 真理, and following one’s dreams also find a place in these pages. Saeed shares multiple morals as the story of Raf and Yas unfolds. 当故事开始时, readers learn briefly of Raf’s trek from Golub and about a sacred tree that allows or denies passage from one world to another. People from Raf’s world have a golden leaf birthmark that pulses and warms in warning if a person has moved beyond the perimeter of阅读更多→

堪比大卫·利维坦的作品, 马拉维卡·卡纳南的《皇冠登录welcome》 is a story about a sixteen-year-old queer Indian-American girl who believes art’s power is to disrupt narratives and to recreate reality. Mayavati Krishnan is an optimistic, talented, and opinionated social justice activist. 故事发生在佛罗里达, Kannan’s book follows the lives of several brown teens who are fighting to be seen, not to be targeted and bullied by authority figures. Maya and her mother have been abandoned by Maya’s artist father whose true love is art. Because Rajendra made the choice to stay in India, Maya is angry, an emotion that she阅读更多→

Although Kelis Rowe的《寻找木星 is a romance novel, 这也是关于如何面对失去, 责备的影响, 以及希望的重要性. Set in Tennessee, Rowe’s novel features two teens: Ray Evans and Orion Roberson. With her found poetry, Ray turns words into art. 被浪漫所吸引, 但并没有被它的戏剧性所吸引, 雷把业余时间用在排球上, 类, 和艺术. Someone who likes creating beautiful things, Ray is also an artist on roller skates. After seeing the effect that love has had on her mother, Ray is afraid to love because of the risk of loss. 她发现阅读更多→

Melissa See describes her novel Love Letters for Joy as “a love letter in itself—to disability, 酷儿身份, 以及两者的交集.故事发生在纽约, Love Letters for Joy tells the story of Joy Corvi, 一个安静的, academically-minded girl with cerebral palsy who wants the world to see her for who she is, 不适合她的情况. Working hard to achieve valedictorian honors, Joy is in competition with her academic rival, 的高级, 纳撒尼尔·赖特. Both hope to attend California Institute of Biology where they will pursue degrees in medicine. Because Joy, who attends Caldwell Preparatory Academy, wonders if there is阅读更多→

Paz Valenzuela and Rumi Sabzwari are two teens from different worlds. Both are disillusioned by their respective lives where people seem motivated by violence and vengeance. 不怎么遵守规则, 帕兹住在Paraíso,那里有弹坑, 烧焦的塔, and wasteland from chemical weapons make up the landscape. Born with a birth defect because of the residual effects of bioterrorism, Paz prays for patience and strength to know that one day things will change. Although Rumi doesn’t remember the Hot Wars which resulted in the building of Upper City’s walls, 他知道这些故事. Recently back from rehabilitation after a drug overdose, Rumi is阅读更多→

厌倦了旁观生活, Baylee Kunkel wonders who she would be if she weren’t wearing the body of a fat girl. Although Baylee projects a confident version of herself, 她极度缺乏安全感, judging herself and holding on to negative feelings about her body image. When it comes to the way she looks and the way she presents herself to the world, Baylee lives by a strict fashion code: She does not tuck her shirt into her pants and she does not knowingly accessorize with something that will accentuate her adipose tissue. Yearning to be seen, to be wanted, and to be阅读更多→

Sixteen-year-old Bianca Torre identifies as a socially awkward lesbian until she realizes there is more to her identity. Not a risk taker, Bianca knows a lot about hiding. 事实上, 她隐藏了自己的性取向, 她的性格, and often herself as she peers in on the lives of others using her birdwatching telescope. 当比安卡看到她的邻居, 史蒂芬·列别捷夫, 对面的另一个隐士, 会被谋杀, 除了她最好的朋友没有人相信她, 安德森科尔曼. The two live near one another in North Hollywood and decide to solve the murder of Mr. Conspiracy, which is how they best remember him. 当他们解开阅读更多→

以兔子为背景, 犹他州, 贝丝·弗拉贝尔的《当巨人燃烧 tells the story of two tweens who know that feelings aren’t temporary like their school counsellor Mrs. Freid说. Both Hayes and Gerty know that “sometimes feelings twist and tunnel. Sometimes they wrap themselves into every bit of a person, locking them into a place where nothing else can grow” (214). Afraid of losing his mother to addiction and a life of crime again, Hayes is struggling to form a relationship with his ex-con mother. Untethered and unable to forgive and forget her abandonment, Hayes wears his anger like armor. An independent and largely self-sufficient阅读更多→