J. 世界时装之苑 has set readers up for a sequel with her book House of Marionne. Set in New Orleans as well as in alternate realms where magic dwells, the novel features Raquell Janae Marionne (aka Quell) who has magic in her veins. 但, it’s toushana, a form of black magic about which little is known. So, Quell wonders if she is a Darkbearer with poison in her veins. 被教导要谨慎和害怕, Quell and her mother are constantly on the move, hiding from those who might wish to quiet Quell’s magic permanently. After running since she was five years old, Quell steps into阅读更多→

Dedicated to all readers who “stagger beneath the weight of expectations and emotions, 阿德里安娜·托雷的《第三个女儿 tells two parallel stories. One reveals the ambitions of the Warnou family; the other shares the reality of the Anders family. As much as this is a story about those who are born into wealth versus those who are not, it is also about the impact of power and privilege. It reveals the consequences of knowing and embracing one’s identity. 他是王室的长子, Princess Elodie Warnou has been raised to be strong, 计算, 和君威. 她妈妈教她不仅要阅读更多→

复古由Sofia Lapuente设计 and 杰罗德·Shusterman shares the sound track to Luna Maria Valero Inglesias’ life and her efforts at revolution. Living in Northern California and attending El Dorado High School, Luna learns the hard way that a screen shot can be as lethal as a gunshot. After her supposed friend Samantha Darby sets her up as a shoplifter, Luna takes revenge by posting a character-damaging video that leads to Samantha’s suicide attempt. 现在被内疚和希望所困, 卢娜向Limbo伸出手, the app that served as the gasoline to the match she lit that set Samantha ablaze. 令人惊讶的是,地狱阅读更多→

Inspired by West African folklore, Roseanne A. 棕色(的) writes an action-packed tale infused with magical twists, 家庭秘密, 文化多样性.  她的首部青少年小说, A Song of Wraiths and Ruin features Karina Alahari and Malik Hilali—two protagonists on a trajectory to self-discovery and potential destruction. Running and unraveling riddles are what Malik does best, 尽管他也容易惊恐发作, 做梦, 独自徘徊.  Having been beaten as a child for discussing his hallucinations, 创造的幻想, and communicating with supernatural beings called the grim folk, Malik’s powers have taken more from him than they have given. 另一方面,卡瑞娜是阅读更多→

帕特里夏·弗雷德的读者, 彩虹罗, and Maggie Stiefvater will likely enjoy 的头饰 by Andrew Eliopulos.  他的处女作是青少年小说, 埃利奥普洛斯写了一个关于友谊的故事, 初恋, 感觉格格不入, 延迟的梦想.  通过他的角色, 山姆·费希尔和詹姆斯·道森, Eliopulos illustrates how waiting for life to begin often gives way to forgetting how to live.  It is also a story about the volatility of life and our magical thinking: that life will start when __.  All readers will be able to fill in the blank with their own wishful thought.  From this book’s characters, readers learn that living阅读更多→

The balance between humans and nature is a recurring theme in 永不倾斜的世界 by Rin Chupeco.  In her cautionary tale about the long-lasting and detrimental consequences of man-made climate change, Chupeco也包含了希望和救赎.  Furthermore, she poses the question: What if the world didn’t tilt?  Although the book is targeted more towards young adults than fifth graders, that’s an awesome inquiry question since fifth graders would soon discover that without Earth’s tilt, 人类将处于一种可悲的状态. Set in both the sand-locked Golden City—where the sun is relentless and resources are scare—and in Aranth—where ignorance is a strength and阅读更多→

Jessica Khoury’s science fiction novel 她最后的名字 features sixteen-year-old Stacia Androva and Clio Markova, 两个像姐妹一样的女孩.  Possessing an instinctual urge to keep Clio safe, Stacia trusts Clio even when she can’t trust herself.  Their existence is mostly idyllic until the threat of rebellion comes knocking. 阿美锡尼星球上一个酒商的女儿, Stacia住在非洲, 群山之间有一个山谷小镇.  Stacia is a tenacious young woman with a muscular build and mechanics certification.  Appollo Androthenes, aka Pol, is Afkan’s wrestling champion and Stacia’s protector.  The three 朋友 share multiple memories, a trio against the universe.  但阅读更多→

十七岁时, the protagonist in 恩典的堕落 by Amy Fellner Dominy, 格蕾丝·玛丽·皮尔斯, 过着特权女孩的生活吗, the pure embodiment of the American dream with money, 安全, 朋友, 希望有一个金色的未来.  几乎从不生气, Grace has been sheltered by wealth and fame as the daughter of Janelle Pierce, an investment broker who swaddles herself in luxury: exotic travel, 昂贵的衣服, 以及其他无限的物质享受.  Janelle occasionally escapes the heat of Phoenix, 亚利桑那州, and the stress of the financial world by visiting her favorite place, 里奇韦的蓝湖, 科罗拉多州, 哪里有宁静和阅读更多→

Readers of Carl Deuker’s sports stories will likely enjoy T. Glen Coughlin的新书.  一枪之遥:一个摔跤故事 follows the narratives of three wrestlers in Molly Pitcher, 新泽西, 吉米·奥谢(Jimmy O 'Shea, 爱阴毒挖苦人的大师, 特雷弗·克劳. Although not the typical wrestler’s build at 6’2”, Jimmy is ranked best 160 pounder in the county and slated for the Wall of Champions if he can avoid the distraction of his dad’s dastardly deeds.  Mr. O 'Shea的后洞挖掘博士学位, 偏爱偷窃, and passion for alcohol threaten to jeopardize Jimmy’s goals. At 152 pounds, Diggy is living in the shadow阅读更多→