内疚是维系拉纳移民家庭的粘合剂. In the Muslim world that Rana is from, the goal is to become a dutiful wife. However, that is a version of womanhood that Rana can’t live up to. 她是同性恋,但对自己的性取向保密. Because she’s suffering from the loss of one of her best friends, 路易离奇死亡, 拉纳放弃了篮球和碳水化合物来减轻她的痛苦. 当她缩成一团的时候,她的老师. 穆里略试图把她引出来, telling her that her opinion matters and offering her meditation as a way to open up to possibility:阅读更多→

堪比大卫·利维坦的作品, 马拉维卡·卡纳南的《皇冠登录welcome》 is a story about a sixteen-year-old queer Indian-American girl who believes art’s power is to disrupt narratives and to recreate reality. Mayavati Krishnan is an optimistic, talented, and opinionated social justice activist. 故事发生在佛罗里达, Kannan’s book follows the lives of several brown teens who are fighting to be seen, 不要被权威人物攻击和欺负. Maya and her mother have been abandoned by Maya’s artist father whose true love is art. Because Rajendra made the choice to stay in India, Maya is angry, an emotion that she阅读更多→

《welcome皇冠地址》索诺拉·雷耶斯著 – Protagonist Yamilet Flores cares about only two things: 1. 保护她的弟弟和2. Hiding her sexual orientation from everyone at her new Catholic school. After being outed by the girl she’d thought of as her best friend at her previous school, 雅米决心不惜一切代价保护她的秘密. Something that grows increasingly difficult as her feelings for Bo, 学校里唯一出柜的女同志, 也在成长. At home, Yami struggles to feel supported by the people in her life. Through snide remarks, Yami knows that her mom considers being阅读更多→

Despite the prologue, this graphic novel (Messy Roots by Laura Gao) isn’t about the pandemic. The beautiful color pages of the first chapter describe what this book is really about: freedom and roots. Two concepts that can seem like opposites but that blend together in a beautiful combination in this book. 以她在武汉的童年开始她的故事, Gao makes it easy to see how different her adolescence in Texas is from her early years. As a child transplanted to the US at a young age, Gao quickly learns the importance of fitting in. 她把自己的中文名字改成了美国人的“劳拉”阅读更多→

Anyone interested in reading a book that will prompt a deeper understanding of the complexities of racism should find a copy of 《皇冠登录welcome》作者:夸梅·艾弗里. This occasionally humorous but heartbreaking novel follows the lives of a pair of teens in New Jersey whose sisters decide to run for study body president. By alternating between the perspectives of Sallie Walls and Ulysses Gates (aka Uly), Ivery invites his readers to confront their own biases while also considering the nuances of a mixed-race relationship in a world where two people with a simple pigmentation difference often cannot date without repercussions. 而阅读更多→

With its first line: “The prison is always quiet but never still,” I suspected The River Has Teeth would be suspenseful and riveting. 艾丽卡·沃特斯没有让人失望.  Her novel joins the ranks of good psychological crime thrillers like Silence of the Lambs or the television series Criminal Minds. Besides the main plot thread of girls going missing in The Bend and the mystery of who is murdering them, the book carries several other threads to keep the reader engaged. 一条线索讲述了黛拉·劳埃德和她家族的魔法, 谋杀, and infinite crimes in brewing potions for customers with vengeful thoughts. 劳埃德一家住在阅读更多→

贾斯珀·桑切斯(Jasper Sanchez)的(联合国)普选是一项艰巨的任务. 而 it accurately depicts the “clique-centric hierarchy” and popularity contests that exist in high schools across the United States, it also dives deeply into ideologies—both political and personal. 还有桑切斯笔下的人物, the reader will confront some difficult questions and ponder possible solutions. One of those key questions is How do you claim space in a world that doesn’t want you? Sanchez expertly points out that everyone’s normal is different, 在一个异性恋社会里, 这一事实必然会引发一些冲突. Initially, the book seems to be about a transgender teen who grows阅读更多→

Z布鲁尔, an author who is also an outspoken mental health and anti-bullying advocate, has written a young adult novel that validates the challenges that accompany identity exploration. Into the Real is an affirming story about a person living a broken life and willing to do anything to be free of constraints. Living in a fog of insecurity and confusion about sexuality and gender identity, seventeen-year-old Quinn experiences an oppressive feeling of loneliness. 奎因在问题多于答案的迷雾中穿行, 心痛多于支持, this genderqueer teen envisions a world in which life can be conflict-free and peaceful. 然而,要达到这一点阅读更多→

In an effort to share with readers the challenges faced by a person who endures the misbehavior of brain chemicals, Bill Konigsberg writes his novel The Bridge in a nonlinear form. Under the influence of his pen, the reader’s brain trips over itself, unclear and unsure of reality. 蒂莉·斯坦利——一个有着美丽脸蛋的女孩, 聪明的, 有趣的, and magnetic personality—jump from the George Washington Bridge to drown in the Hudson River in New York? Aaron boroff有创意吗, 友好的, musically-inclined seventeen-year-old with a sense of humor commit suicide? 还是两人都决定把破碎的生活重新拼凑起来? 只要读者相信他/她阅读更多→